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we commit our intellectual, social and computational capital to help bootstrap the cryptoeconomic networks of tomorrow.


we run validators for the following networks:

  • ethereum (mainnet, testnet)
  • berachain (testnet, in partnership with Token Terminal)
  • eigenlayer (mainnet)
  • flow (mainnet)
  • avail (mainnet, testnet)
  • lava (mainnet)
  • namada (testnet)
  • seda (mainnet)
  • vana (testnet)
  • gevulot (testnet)
  • ...and several avs
  • projects

    we don't just validate the chains — we sometimes we buidl on them too:

  • [redacted] — proof of liquidity experiment
  • rexplorer — restaking explorer
  • slugs — onchain url shortener (optimism rpgf3 grantee)
  • validator swarm — lido csm validator management cli tool
  • glow dashboard — everything you need to know about glow (glow grantee)
  • content

    we shitpost and publish long and short form content:

  • articles
  • twitter
  • dune
  • investments

    we like to put our money where our mouth is:

  • berachain
  • about us

    we are a team of crypto-native node operators and builders with a mission to support emerging chains and other kinds of decentralized networks from day one.

    based in europe, with a swiss entity.


    open positions:

  • infrastructure lead

  • please reach out to hi@firstset.xyz for inquiries.